- 3
Add share to "Mymemo" functionality
#User Interface#Integrations 🔗 - 4
Choose which memos become a MemoCast.
#MemoCast🎙️ - 2
Handling duplicate url give option to regenerate.
#AI Summary📄 - 2
I just want a paste button.
#User Interface - 2
Notes saved on IOS are not showing in Desktop app
#Bug Report 🐛 - 3
Ability to see what collection a note/link/document/video is in while looking the item
- 2
Full scraped text of a link (webpage)
#New Ideas💡#User Interface#AI Summary📄 - 18
Voice options for Memo Cast
#MemoCast🎙️ - 39
chat with youtube multilanguage
#New Ideas💡#AI Summary📄#AskMemo💬 - 17
Upload directly to a collection
#New Ideas💡#User Interface#Collection
- 79
#New Ideas💡#Collection#AskMemo💬 - 86
Auto-save notes
#User Interface#Other#Note🗒️ - 40
Replace "Collections" with Pinned Tags
#New Ideas💡#User Interface#Other - 98
#New Ideas💡 - 4
First use some issues
- 116
Enhanced AI Summary
#AI Summary📄 - 35
Support exporting data to local storage
#Other - 53
support google drive link
#Integrations 🔗
- 8
App suggestions
#New Ideas💡#AI Summary📄#Note🗒️ - 17
Share content summary(highlights) as image to social media
#New Ideas💡 - 27
Rescan page on a memo
#New Ideas💡#Bug Report 🐛#AI Summary📄 - 42
include date/time context for AI chat
#AI Summary📄#Other#AskMemo💬 - 30
Add a masonry layout option
#New Ideas💡#User Interface - 36
Create collection with AI
#New Ideas💡 - 29
Universal Imports From iOS Share Feature and Photos App Sync
#New Ideas💡#Integrations 🔗#iOS App📱 - 63
More collections features
#New Ideas💡#Collection - 38
Enhanced AI focused note writing
#Note🗒️ - 63
More Precise AI Conversations