
We're always striving to make MyMemo AI better for you, and we need your input to do it!

  1. Markdown Format Compatible for Notes

    Automatic styling etc

    Bukit S


  2. Automatic AI tags when saving note

    or a button to generate tags based on the note.

    Bukit S


  3. Import/Export

    I’ve been using a lot of services, like Raindrop, Dropmark,, Pile (iOS app)…. so I want to be able to import all this. (HTML, JSON, CSV) at the same time, I want my data to be portable and transferrable. so I’d like to be able to export my data for any platform. and when I export my data, I want to be able to export everything, including my notes, tags, and AI summaries attached to each links and images

    Y. F
    #New Ideas💡


  4. Auto-save notes

    There's been more than one situation where I've written a note and I forgot to click the save button. Auto-save would be a great feature.

    #User Interface#Note🗒️#Other


  5. subfolders

    I want to build a 2nd brain with MyMemo. To do this, subfolders or tags would be very helpful. Having collections is one thing, but I would love to see folders for more structure within the collections: Eg Collection: Projects - subfolder- new website Or Tags: new website - tag projects this way I can search in a collection / folder / tag vs searching the whole library - gives me simpler access to what I need once the project is done i can move it to resources or archives Check out BASB by Tiago Forte

    #New Ideas💡#AskMemo💬#Collection


  6. Dark mode

    this app needs dark mode. It is not accessible for most users. Please prioritize this.

    Memo u
    #New Ideas💡#Bug Report 🐛#User Interface


  7. Allow using API and connection to MAKE automations

    Allow using API and integration to MAKE automations for collecting areas of interests

    שחר ט
    #New Ideas💡#Integrations 🔗


  8. include date/time context for AI chat

    Read in the FAQ that the ai is unable to answer questions like 'what did I upload the past 2 weeks?' May I suggest to include this, please? Date and time adds an important context to the collection of information, new/info can be outdated or more relevant depending on when it's referenced or revisited again.

    #AI Summary📄#Other#AskMemo💬


  9. Truncate Long File Names

    Currently, when a user uploads a file that has more than 100 characters in the name, the filename isn't truncated. Instead, the file is rejected for import with an error "The uploaded file name can be up to 100 characters long" A user has to then manually rename the file and try again, but simply importing the file and cutting off the name at the character limit would be ideal, since keeping names in sync between a local device and is not necessary.

    #User Interface#Other


  10. Improved Notes

    Notes should be treated like documents and include the related memos and notes sections. The creation, modified dates, and dates in the notes should also be used as relevant information.

    #Note🗒️#Integrations 🔗#AskMemo💬


  11. Chat function is broken

    Every question that I asked chat ends up coming back with "I cannot find relevant information regarding..."

    Kevin C


  12. No more Orphans please!

    After delete my collections and everything in it, i still have orphans! I look in mymemo askmemo section and i still see orphans, you click on it an it errors out.

    #Note🗒️#iOS App📱#AskMemo💬


  13. Please create a language selected in the ASKCAST by default

    I don't want to see other casts then what I understand unless you are on going to put sometype translatation it. I speak and understand ENGLISH don't show me anything from other languages unless you have a translation link.

    #Note🗒️#iOS App📱#AskMemo💬


  14. Please create a purge everything or some button

    I am trying to start over with mymemo but cannot because I see a lot of left over items.

    #Note🗒️#iOS App📱#AskMemo💬


  15. Source text formatted like the original source

    I would find much helpful to have the source text formatted like the original source (like, for example, Notion). Now it is difficult to read them source text and we must depend on the orginal source remaining active. I think this would be a great step forward for MyMemo.

    Josep Ll O
